About Us
Athletes in Acting Awards is an award program honoring professional athletes, sport journalists and sports franchise owners in Television, Radio, Print/Outdoor Advertising, Movies, and the Stage.
AIAA’s mission is to provide and honor excellence in the international advertising, media and performing arts industries with the world’s best-judged creative competition for professional athletes performances.
Missing your favorite athlete?
Send us video links of pro athletes or sports franchise owners performing in movies (television and big screen), sitcoms, reality shows, commercials, stage plays, print ads, radio commercials or public service announcements (PSA)
Larry York is a thoughtful, giving, creative individual with vision. Born in Hitchcock, Texas and educated in the Galveston Independent School District, Larry graduated from Ball High School in Galveston, Texas. He continued his studies on a four-year tennis scholarship and Moody Academic Scholar Grant, at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas.
His move to Los Angeles would allow him to meet his objective to create programs that educate, impact and assist those in need, via sports and entertainment event planning, public relations and broadcast ventures.